mercredi 26 septembre 2007



«Everybody Loves Raymond » , is a series that I chose and I think it is very funny and a really good TV show . It helped me to understand the language and on the other side is a series that makes you feel confortable and relaxed while you watch it ,maybe after a hard day. It makes you laugh all the time . There are a lot of characters . First of all , there is Raymond , who is a newspaper sportswriter from Lynbrook ,who lives with wife Debra, and their children ,Ally , the daughter and the twin sons , Michael and Geoffrey. There is also Ray`s parents and his brother Robert .

3 commentaires:

Valérie a dit…

Hi! I want to know what does Raymond look like, to identify him on the picture, and i'm curious, how did Deb react when she found out that Raymond left without her?

M1Abo969 a dit…

Salut voilà mes questions:

1-Do you think Raymond’s family is a good one?

2-Why is Raymond’s family so funny?


sophie a dit…

1) Does this TV show only play on English TV or is it translated? Because i like this kind of series, I would like to watch it!
2) There is a lot of members in this family, do they all go along together?